How to Reupholster an Old Lazyboy Recliner

Lazyboy recliners are among the most popular reclining chairs simply because of the fact that they provide you with the maximum comfort. Being able to put your feet in the air while laid back on their comfortable cushions is something many people look forward to all day long. But what about combining that comfort with style? Since Lazyboy chairs are durable, you won’t be buying a new one that often, which is why you might wonder whether your decor will suffer. Fortunately, reupholstering a recliner is not that difficult! Here is a list of all the materials and tools you will need, as well as a step-by-step guide for doing it.

Materials and tools you will need for reupholstering your Lazyboy recliner:
– 7 yards of fabric of your choice (buy)
– Covered buttons (buy)
– Seam ripper (buy)
– Tack remover (buy)
– Waxed thread (buy)
– Upholstery needles (buy)
– Needle and thread (buy)
– Hot glue gun (buy)
– Staples (buy)
– Staple gun (buy)
– Scissors (buy)

Step-by-step guide for Reupholstering your Lazyboy Recliner

Step 1
Once you have acquired all the necessary materials and tools, start taking your recliner apart. While the back of the chair will come off pretty easily, you might have trouble taking the seat off. To avoid wasting too much time on it, simply flip the recliner to check how it is attached to the underside. Keep dismantling until you are left with individual parts only.

Step 2
Use the seam ripper and the tack remover to take the old fabric off each of the parts of your chair. Although you can skip this step, going through with it will not only get you better results, but also make the following steps a lot easier. This is because you can iron the old pieces of fabric to use them for cutting the new ones.

Step 3
Cut the new fabric into pieces, making sure they are of the right dimensions. This will prove to be a lot simpler if you use the old pieces for tracing shapes. And to get the best possible results, iron the new fabric before moving on to the next step.

Step 4
Use the staple gun to attach the new fabric to the frame of the recliner. If you are doing this by yourself, it would be best to choose an electric gun ñ it should make things a lot easier for you. The parts you should start with are the ones in the middle, not the corners. While stapling, you should make sure that the fabric is pulled tight over the frame at all times. When you start working on the corners, remember to staple the center of each corner first. Finish by folding and stapling until they look just the way you want them to.

Step 5
While dismantling your Lazyboy recliner, you will find a couple of cardboard parts. These should not be upholstered with a stapler like all the other parts. Instead, it would be best to use a hot glue gun.

Step 6
Attach the covered buttons to your newly reupholstered recliner. This might be the easiest part of the process, since you will find simple instructions on the back of your button kit package.

Step 7
This step is optional, and should be done only by those who wish to tuft the recliner’s cushion. It is done by using the waxed thread and the upholstery needle that were mentioned in the list of materials and tools.

Step 8
Reassemble your Lazyboy recliner. This might be the most stress-free part of the process, but only if you have remember how to put the parts back in their place. This is why it is recommended to take pictures of the process, so you can just revert it while doing the reassembly.

Here’s a very detailed Youtube video showing you how everything is done:

Lazyboy Recliner Reupholstering FAQ

How much does it cost to reupholster a Lazyboy recliner?
The cost of reupholstering a Lazy Boy recliner varies depending on several factors, such as the type of fabric, size of the chair, and the location of the upholstery shop. On average, the cost can range from $300 to $1000 or more. It is best to get quotes from multiple upholstery shops to compare prices and ensure you are getting a fair deal.

How to reupholster a Lazyboy recliner footrest?
Reupholstering the footrest of a Lazyboy recliner can be done by following these steps:

• Remove the old upholstery: Start by removing any screws or staples that hold the old upholstery in place, being careful not to damage the footrest frame.

• Measure and cut the new fabric: Measure the footrest and cut a piece of fabric that is large enough to cover it, leaving extra fabric to fold over the edges and secure it in place.

• Attach the new fabric: Place the new fabric over the footrest and staple it in place, starting in the middle of the footrest and working your way out towards the edges.

• Finish the edges: Fold the extra fabric over the edges of the footrest and secure it in place with staples.

• Reinstall the footrest: Reattach the footrest to the recliner, making sure that it is secure and level.

How to find reupholster recliner near me?
You can find a reupholster for your Lazyboy recliner near you by using the following methods:

• Search online: Use search engines like Google to find upholstery shops or professionals in your area that offer reupholstery services for Lazyboy recliners.

• Check with local furniture stores: Furniture stores or furniture repair shops may have reupholstery services available or may be able to refer you to someone who can do the job.

• Ask for recommendations: Ask friends, family, or coworkers if they know of any good upholstery shops or professionals in your area.

• Check local classified ads: Look for upholstery shops or professionals in local classified ads in your area.

• Use online directories: Online directories like Yelp, Yellow Pages, or Angie’s List can help you find upholstery shops or professionals near you that offer reupholstery services.

As you can see, reupholstering your Lazyboy recliner is not an impossible task. Although it requires both time and patience, it can be done by anyone who is up for such task. It involves a few steps of varying difficulty levels, but don’t worry none of them will turn out to be more than you can handle. And since it is not that difficult, reupholstering your chair to achieve the look you want might be a really good choice for you!

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