Lazyboy Recliner Broken Footrest Repair Tips and Parts Replacement
The footrest of a Lazyboy recliner is very important, since it provides much needed support for the legs and enhances its comfort levels, allowing you to achieve maximum relaxation. But one of the most common problems associated with any recliner is that the footrest can get broken, leading to many frustrations instead of enabling you to just sit back and relax. Read on as we discuss tips for repairing a broken footrest, as well as provide a list of replacement parts.
Footrest Stuck in Up Position? Use WD40
When you turn the lever of a Lazyboy recliner, the mechanism located at the bottom should release the footrest and lock it into position. When you turn it again, the mechanism should release it and return it to its original position. But what if this fails and the handle doesn’t release the footrest? Use the lubricant WD40. Do the following steps:
– Flip the recliner over and loosen all the screws that attach the metal to the wooden frame.
– Place a rag or cloth over the material underneath the chair to avoid getting lubricant on the cushions.
– Spray the WD40 on all the chair’s movable joints.
– Try the handle again to see if it will release the footrest, which it should at this point.
– Get a can of 3-in-1 oil and place a drop on each of the joints so that they remain lubricated. Be sure to use another rug or cloth to wipe any residual oil.
– Flip the chair over and your footrest should be able to go up and down with no problem.
Stuck Footrest Adjustments
The footrest can be either all the way down or all the way up with positions in between. Sometimes when it fails to go back down, it could be failing to go down to one of the in-between positions. What you can do, if you don’t mind, is make a few adjustments to the footrest’s mechanism so that it goes all the way up or all the way down without stopping in between. Do the following steps:
– Flip the chair over and locate the ratchet that locks the footrest in the in-between positions.
– Remove the part/bar that is attached to the ratchet and the front of the chair by dissembling it, removing its pins and springs.
– Test the footrest, and you should see that it either goes all the way up or all the way down – no in-between positions – now that the ratchet is free.
Here’a a great video explaining the whole process:
Footrest Won’t Lock in Place or Won’t Stay Up?
Sometimes when you pop the footrest, it doesn’t stay up at all or falls right back down when you put the weight of your feet on it. What you must do if this happens is flip the chair over to inspect the mechanism and see if its spring is okay. The spring is what provides the tension needed to keep the footrest open or closed by holding it in place. It can sometimes break or get too overstretched. The only solution is to remove it and purchase a replacement spring to get the tension back in the mechanism.
Read our guide on How to Replace a Recliner Tension Spring.
Buy Footrest Parts
Here’s some useful items for your recliner footrest that you can buy online.
Recliner Mechanism Tension Spring

Recliner Handle Lever Style Foot Rest Release

Purchasing a Lazyboy recliner is a huge investment, and you should be able to enjoy all the benefits it provides without limitations – footrest included. The above mentioned footrest problems are not specific to old recliners, as they can affect new ones as well. This makes it necessary to know how to repair the problem and what replacement part can help fix or assist you in accessing the footrest easier.
Thanks for the info. My LB recliner chair is stuck in the upper position. will attempt repair myself.
My recliner’s foot rest, when in the upright position position is uneven, one side is much lower than the other. Do you have any suggestions on how to fix it?
I have a customer with 2 Lazy Boy recliners that need new ratchets. I cannot find them online so If I had a part number I could have them order it and take care of their needs.
Thanks you for your help.
Looking to find part # 15000694-00L and its partner for the right side. Any sense as to where I ca get these?
I have lazyboy lift recliner when reclining the foot rest don’t come up all the. Way up to a flat position please how do i adjust this
My granddaughter sat on the footrest of our electric recliner for a “ride.” As I raised the footrest using hand control, there was a loud pop and the footrest does not lift anymore. The pneumatic lift still works, but there’s no lifting the footrest. Found small cracked plastic cylindrical piece under chair but can’t match it to any other part. Ideas?
Where does part#15000694-00L go? Found it on floor under my recliner.
1. lazy boy recliner: locked in position with chair in a sleeping position. front is up to high back is to low….chair won’t come back to normal position.
2. one of the “C” clamps that hooks to a spring was out of shape–twisted look — placed in vice and corrected the shape, but the tap head is worn and will not stay in the metal/steel arm.
3. also the ratchet mechanism in the middle of the chair does not ratchet as the straight piece is not attached anywhere to the ratchet link. a long straight flat bar is also hanging down unattached.
4. the footrest backing is also broken in the center.
5. the seat is not firm or smooth – – has an unusual shape in center of cushion.
any help you can offer me would be greatly appreciated. a lot wrong with it, but hopefully can be repaired at minimum cost.
I was stuffing more cushion material in to my 3 seat recliner sofa. In order to get to the underside, I laid the sofa on it’s back. I had extended the foot rest which caused the weight of the sofa to rest on the back of the extended section.
After finishing the stuffing and rightening the entire sofa to its upright position, the foot rest would not retract.
To make a long story short, I found that there were 2 pins that were supposed to ride on top of a metal cam. It seems that I had been putting to much weight on that section and twisted the mechanism to where the pins slipped to underside of the piece of metal “cam”. This locked the footrest into the extended position with no chance of retracting regardless of how much weight was put on.
A tell tale sign was a scratch in the paint showing how the pins had twisted and had been forced past the cam they were to ride on top of and ended up on the under side.
I used a screwdriver to twist the mechanism on each side to force the pins back up on to the top of the “Cam” and all was well.
Thank you for providing the video and other customers comments. It helped me to understand the mechanism. I only had to spray all the joints? andscrews with furniture polish and viola the bar released !!
My La-Z-Boy recliner works only part of the time. Occasionally the foot rest suddenly drops. Is this a bad spring problem? Is this something that the company should fix for me?
the foot rest does not lock into position..there seems to be a piece of metal mssing from the end of the long piece that sits into the tooth do,i fix it or get the replacemnt part
the plastic parts that raise the foot rest is broke , if i could find the pieces i could fix it myself. one is a pencil shaped rod and the other i glued super glued. that is fine.
where to find plastic parts ? the labor on my chair would cost me 200.00 dollars.
The chair is intact….problem is trying to raise the footrest. The handle to raise it is too hard to pull up on. If you are really strong the footrest goes right up. I can’ t raise it my self. I have to sit in the chair and have someone pull the lever up for me…. Can the handle be loosened ?
Where do you purchase the three position foot rest plastic clips that control the lift of the foot rest. My plastic parts on both sides have broken but the sizzler arms are fine…
The central bar that all the mechanical parts are connected snapped in half. I got a replacement bar, but now neet to know how to replace it. I had a quick lesson from the store repair guy, but it was really just an overview.
Any help with online videos?
The right recliner foot rest of our La-Z-Boy sofa is dipped in the middle. This side was always hard to latch down. Understand the parts are covered lifetime to original owner but not the labor. Bought in Jan 2014 for $900. What part or parts are likely to be the problem/s? Thanks.
The leg rest snap safety clips came off on my electric recliner and I can’t seem to be able to put them back on. Can’t find a YouTube video on how to put them on. If anyone knows of a site where I can go to that will show how that would be great. Thanks
Thank you for the video showing how to solve the problem of the worn ratchet that locks the footrest in three positions. I am one of those limited mobility people and I had a VERY hard time getting out of the chair when the footrest wouldn’t go down. Disconnecting the ratchet solved the problem! (Getting the bar loose from the spring at the other end was a challenge, though.}
Thank you again.
My dog got on my footrest and the plastic mechanism that lifts the leg rest broke. Now the footrest is floppy. What part should I order and how to proceed getting this fixed. Thank you
Good afternoon, my la-Z-boy power recliner footrest has a broken plastic safety clip, can you tell me how to get one. Its the right hand clip, (looking at it as your sitting in the recliner).
My footrest mechanism on my power chair keeps getting hung on the side of the chair. It gets stuck in the up position, and then if I finally get it to go down, it won’t go back up. Any ideas how to fix this? Very expensive chair and only 4 years old!.